Monday, January 27, 2020

USB flash drives

USB flash drives The USB (Universal Serial Bus) Flash drives are small storage devices which can store large amount of data in the form of flash memory and are portable. They are available in different sizes varying from 256MB to 64GB. The history to when the USB pen drives first came in existence is quite controversial, however, it is said that the first commercially-available USB flash drive was called the ThumbDrive, it was produced by Trek Technology in the year 2000. Soon IBM came out with its own model known as the DiskOnKey. By 2002, there were several companies which entered the market producing a similar product and marketing it. Pen drives comparatively have a much larger size than a usual floppy disk, which has a maximum data capacity of 1.44MB, or a compact disk, which has a maximum capacity of 700MB. This invention was a vast transformation from the era of floppy disks, as people required a device that would have a larger memory and yet be portable. The previous technology could only be used to store small size data for a short period of time that is 3-5 years, while Pen drives can store much larger size data for at least 10 years and no special care is required unlike in the case of CDs. The latest pen drives consist of a built-in MP3 player and finger print scanners. They only concept of data storage seems to be common between both the technologies. This technology highly attracted consumers as it made large amount of data transfer possible, which would otherwise be very expensive to carry out. This invention can be classified to be a discrete change from the traditionally used floppy drives or compact disks. This is because it was completely transformed by size, shape and its features. Alternatively, since it still belongs to the segment of device for storing memory, it may also be considered a gradual change. Its uniqueness and the fact that it has been further developed and integrated with appliances, like music players and cameras; make it a more discrete change. In the recent years many firms have entered the industry and started supplying the product, there have been gradual changes made to the initial design. The intense competition in the industry is mainly based upon the amount of features provided by each competitor at the lowest rate possible. This is a clear contrast to its initial stage where the degree of competition was low with only a few firms supplying. With the degree of competition increasing in the industry the level of uncertainty has always been high as the companies and the businesses are unaware of what is next? However, the recent upgrades made to the design show comparatively a smaller change in the initial design. It can be said that the product has probably reached the highest point in its growth stage or is entering the maturity phase and thus further developments need to be done for it to survive. The level of uncertainty seems to be declining with the progression in the industry. When speaking of Economic contribution, pen drives have not made any contributions to the economy as such. However, they have had a positive impact on the society as mentioned above, they made large data transfer possible at cheaper rates. The invention of USB flash drives has affected many stakeholders (with respect to IBM); Stakeholders are those group of people who are affected either directly or indirectly by an organisations actions (business dictionary). The ones most affected would be competitors, consumers, suppliers, mangers and shareholders. The competitors are stakeholders directly interested in the decisions made by its rival, IBM. Pen drive was a new advanced product which almost replaced the previous technology thus attracting the consumers to it, who later switched from companies supplying floppy disks and compact disks to IBM, thereby reducing the competitors market share. The competitors then had to incur huge research and development costs and produce a product at least equivalent to IBM in order to retain their market share. The invention also affected the suppliers of IBM. As the technology got older, cost reduction was essential for IBM in order to survive the cut-throat competition. Hence, the sup pliers would have to be efficient enough to supply at reasonable rates. Consumers were amongst the highly affected stakeholders, they are the ones who tryout new products and provide feedback to the companies. They are high risk takers as they initially entered an unknown market as this kind of technology was an entire new concept. Pen drives are no doubt smaller and more compact when compared to compact disks and floppy drives. By compact we mean that they are physically smaller than the latter and are capable of storing larger amount of data. When compared to CDs they are also scratch proof, making them more portable. Latest designs have reduced the size further, as small that it can be easily carried in a wallet. Also some are available with cameras and MP3 players built in them. This factor also shows that it is not resistant to innovation, further improvements and modifications are being done to develop the product further. The development will attract consumers who are more technology savvy; it could also be done to overcome the drawbacks it currently suffers. Over the years the invention has innovated a number of time, however there are drawbacks to this kind of technology also. Despite the fact that the storage capacities have improved over the years not a lot has been done to improve the security of storing information. Many businesses supply their employees with pen drives for them to access work from almost anywhere, thus security is a major issue as important data could be misplaced, if pen drive is misplaced. There is no technique available to track the device or to retain or erase the information on it. Also these devices are not compatible with some operating systems thereby not proving to be efficient enough for the consumers. It can alternatively be argued as they are compatible with most of the commonly used operating systems like Microsoft Windows XP, Mac OS X, etc. A lot of information is stored on a drive and it can be used on almost all the computers, the more it is used on different systems the higher are the chances for i t to contain a virus. This means that if a computer contains virus and a pen drive is attached to it, unless it is write-protected it is very easy for a virus to copy itself on a pen drive and attack other computers. This again reduces security of information as some anti viruses often delete the virus affected file, therefore essential information could be lost. The technology may be getting better each day but the new releases and latest pen drives are very expensive. This can also be considered to be a disadvantage as the consumers are unable to buy it and by the time they do a better version of it is available. As far as personal experience says, pen drives have a slower transfer rate when compared to hard disks. However, the size factor nullifies the impact as pen drives are much smaller and portable. It could also be one of the future development possibilities for the businesses to make it even more sleek and stylish. They could enhance its security by probably adding an auto-lock code to it, so if it is in wrong hands it would probably lock itself and be of no use. They could also work on the transfer rate and increase the storage capacity to around 1 tetra byte. References

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Elie Wiesel’s “Night” and Roberto Benigni’s “ Life is Beautiful” Analysis

In both Elie Wiesel’s â€Å"Night† and Roberto Benigni's â€Å" Life is Beautiful† the element of  chance played a major role in the outcome of each character. It impacts the paths of each  family in negative and positive way’s. Throughout each family’s time in the concentration  camps they are so heavily influenced by greed, anger and corruption that without the role of  chance, hope and love surviving would have been impossible. With displays of unknowingly  running from the enemy to randomly being selected by the enemy, chance changes their  lives forever.In the beginning of Life Is Beautiful Guido’s son Giosue refuses to take a bath for his  mother. This later turns out to be a positive impact of chance on this little boy. In the  concentration camp Giosue is asked to strip and take a shower which would have actually  been a gas shower intending to kill him.Instead he runs off and hides and does not get into  that show er. Similarly in the book Night, Eliezer's father is selected to be killed because  of his emaciated and malnourished body in the Buna labour camp. Luckily there was a  second selection among the condemned which allowed him to go back to the barracks.  Both of these examples portray a positive outcome of chance that lead to their success in  the camps.When The Germans received new’s of the Russians advancing into the Buna camp they  started killing everyone. At this point in the book Eliezer is in the infirmary due to a foot  injury. When the Russians got even closer the entire camp was evacuated and most were slaughtered.In fear of being killed Eliezer and his father joined the evacuation even though ELiezer was still hurt. Little did they know that if they had stayed in the infirmary they would have been rescued by the russians day’s later. This negative impact of chance prevented Eliezer’s father from surviving the holocaust.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Medicinal Candy from Origanum Vulgare (Oregano)

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Oregano is one of the species of a perennial herb called marjarum (origanum vulgare). It is also called pot marjarum and oregany. It grows in abundance and highly available in the locality. It is very common to many households because of its medicinal value. The juice derived or squeezed from the oregano leaves contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Authoritatively, ascorbic acid contains low acidic effect just commensurate to prevent, weaken or reduce the severity of a disease, common cold.Many people believed that common cold is caused by climate change. The sudden change of the weather and exposure to warm and cool conditions cause common cold and also the unsanitary condition of the environment and poor practice of personal hygiene as well. The principal cause of common cold is a group of virus called rhinoviruses. It is highly contagious the fact that it is an airborne disease. Once a person is infected with this virus, the disease will spread easily from person to person through close contact or association. It is probable that coughing and sneezing facilitate the spread.It is the virus that is transmitted to another person and in such unprecautionary measures people will get common cold. Cough or coughing as appearing in the title is not a disease. It is a physiological manner in which air is forcibly expelled from the lungs. It is a body’s mechanism for cleansing the respiratory tract of irritants, foreign bodies, or excessive accumulation of secretions, phlegm. The primitive way of using oregano leaves for common cold is to boil them and let the patient drink a teaspoon full of oregano juice to cure common cold.Young as he is, he refuses to take it because of its non-soothing taste and smell. Most likely the oregano medicinal juice will be wasted. Creatively, the oregano leaves extract should be made into a menthol candy under the supervision of a consultant Miss Leslie Joy Ariate, pharmacist of the Sou th Star Drug, Ligao City, who has the expertise and full knowledge in the measurement, ratio and proportion of medicine and can test its effectivity and can prescribe it as a cure for common cold. The candy should be mentholated, with flavor so that the patient should experience and feel the freshness and delicious taste.The oregano taste of this mentholated and flavored candy should stand prominently so that the patience shall be cured by the presence of ascorbic acid. Statement of the Problem There are two major problems which the researcher would like to come up with satisfactory answers. They are as follows: 1. Is ascorbic acid from oregano leaves effective against rhinoviruses causing cold and cough? 2. How much water, ascorbic acid and quantity of sugar and other ingredients are needed to process oregano as oregano menthol candy? Formulation of HypothesesThis research experiment proposal has two hypotheses. One is positively stated and the other is negatively stated. They are as follows: 1. Ascorbic acid from oregano as menthol candy is effective against rhinoviruses causing cold and cough. 2. Ascorbic acid from oregano as menthol candy is not effective against rhinoviruses causing cold and cough. Significance of the Study Oregano is useful for people with cold and cough. But how can a child take a cup of boiled oregano having its non-soothing taste and smell? This study aims to make an oregano menthol candy for the use of everyone.It will be tested if it can cure people with cold and cough. It can be of great help to anyone because of its delicious taste and at the same time can annihilate the virus that causes cold and cough. People are to be benefited of this study because it can locally be made and the oregano is abundant in the community. If the study is proven right, so why do we need to go to doctors? We just make this candy at our home and preserve it. The price of the ingredients is affordable. So people can eat the candy happily and at the same time curing their cold and cough.Scope and Limitations Oregano contains ascorbic acid that can fight rhinoviruses causing cold and cough. It will be processed as oregano menthol candy to improve the primitive way of using oregano as medicinal herb. It will be made to cure people with the said disease and not advisable to take it if the person is not sick yet with cold and cough. The researcher aims to make a menthol candy out of oregano and prove that this product is effective against rhinoviruses. The study is to be conducted this year 2011-2012.The process of making oregano menthol candy will be tested using the two populations: 5 white mice and 5 patients with cold and cough. They are to be observed daily by the researcher. Definition of Terms The writer of this research experiment proposal deemed it wise to give operational and contextual meanings to the words that follow in order to facilitate understanding of this experimental research that will be conducted. 1. Ascorbic Acid is the acid that is contained in the juice squeezed from the leaves of oregano plant. It prevents, weakens or reduced the severity of common cold. 2.Airborne is associated with a disease caused by virus because such virus causing the disease is transmitted from person to person by air through sneezing or coughing. 3. Climate change refers to the weather condition obtaining in the Philippines, wherein there is an abnormal change of weather from warm condition to cool condition which cause serious effects or sickness on health of the people. 4. Common cold is a disease of the upper respiratory tract, that is, nose, throat and larynx. 5. Contagious is associated with disease that is easily transmitted from person to person like cold, the principal cause of which is virus. . Cough or coughing is the physiological act in which air is forcibly expelled from the lungs. It is a body’s mechanism for cleansing the respiratory tract of irritants, foreign bodies or excessive accumulatio n of secretions. 7. Disease is a disturbance or abnormal structure on the health of living organism or physiological action in the living organism as a whole. 8. Menthol candy is a special candy which has a freezing or cooling taste serving as attractant but containing ascorbic acid so that the child with common cold shall freely eat it to heal the cold caused by rhinoviruses. 9.Oregano is one of the species of a perennial herb wherein the extracts from its leaves contain ascorbic acid that can cure common cold. 10. Rhinoviruses are the kinds of virus that cause common cold. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Oregano is also known as Wild Marjoram, Mountain Mint, Origanum, Wintersweet and Winter Marjoram. This erectly spreading plant has strong aromatic characteristics, with leaves and stems that are fleshy. The leaves of oregano are heart-shaped, with toothed edges, and which, grow for up to 9 meters in length. In other countries, the plant is primarily used as a culinary ingr edient.However, in countries like the Philippines, Oregano is a known herbal medicine for its strong anti-oxidant properties. Oregano contains a rosmarinic acid compound, thymol, and carvacrol that are responsible for its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. Oregano also contains flavinoids, triterpenoids, sterols, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Its anti-bacterial properties have been proven by recent studies to treat infections of the reproductive tracts, and which make it ideal to be given to women who have just given birth.The volatile oils in oregano and its properties are believed to be responsible for slowing the process of spoilage of food and thus minimizing the risk of ingesting harmful bacteria, parasites and fungi. The anti-oxidant properties of oregano helps fight free radicals in the body that cause cellular damage and accelerate ageing. Free radicals are believed to be involved with many degenerative diseases like osteoarth ritis, atherosclerosis and heart diseases, to name a few. The most useful parts of this plant are its leaves. The extracts and juices of such are used for asthma, dyspepsia, chronic coughs, bronchitis, and rheumatism.Ear aches have also been proven to be cured by the infusion prepared from its leaves. The leaves relieve painful swellings, boils, and sprains, when their poultices are applied directly to the affected area. 1 According to Tamid Ahmad, oregano is a natural herb found in Mediterranean hills and basically its leaves are utilized to take out the oil. The oil of oregano can be preserved for longer and hence it is preferred as oil. It is widely used for complex diseases to cure, and it has many simple and common uses for regular occurring diseases. It works marvelously in cold and cough.It is an antibiotic and hence is preferred for cold and cough. 2 According to Allah Camacho, one of the benefits of the extract of oregano is that it helps boost our bodies’ immune sys tem. A sound and healthy immune system is our best defense against harmful microorganisms that carry diseases and illnesses. A good immune system can be achieved with a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, stress free and clean environment, proper rest and including two drops of wild oregano oil in your drink everyday. 3 According to Paul L. Garrett, there are some vitamins and minerals that can be used as natural cold remedies.These nutrients include vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc oxide. Vitamin C is good for a lot of things, but more than 1200 milligrams can sometimes result in diarrhea. Large amount of vitamin C at the beginning stages of an outbreak can provide relief and reduce the attack of the virus. Vitamins and minerals certainly strengthen the immune system, but becareful not to take more than the recommended daily dose. 4 According to Barbara Hillary, PhD, cold and cough medications should not be used for children under 6 years of age. This is because there is not enough evid ence to prove the effectiveness of these medications in young children.Moreover, single-ingredient or combination cold and cough medications do not relieve cold and cough symptoms in children under 6 years. 5 According to Susan Melgren, she was doubtful that oregano would have any effect when she first heard of its healing properties, but she took it anyway and was very pleased with the results. She used oregano to treat colds rather than as preventive measure. 6 _______________________ 1 Pinoyfarmer, â€Å"Medicinal Plants: Oregano (Origanum vulgare),† 2011, (accessed July 31, 2011) 2Tamim Ahmad,â€Å"Oregano Oil – An Unmatched Herbal Remedy for Number of Diseases,† n. . , (accessed July 13, 2011). 3Allah Camacho, â€Å"Boost Your Immune System With the Wild Oregano Oil,† n. d. ,(accessed July 13, 2011). 4Paul L Garrett, â€Å"Natural Remedy for Cold Sores – Strengthen Your Immune System to Fight Cold Sores,† n. d. , (accessed July 13, 2011 ). 5Barbara Hillary, PhD, â€Å"Cold and Cough Medicines Don't Work,† n. d. , (accessed July 13, 2011). 6 Susan Melgren, â€Å"Immune Boosters: Elderberry, Echinacea, Garlic and Oregano,† 2010, (accessed July 13, 2011). CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Since this research is tough to undertake, arrangement has already been made with the consultant.In so far as the researcher is concerned the necessary materials needed in the processing of oregano menthol candy will be prepared. Method of Research This research will use the experimental method. It will experiment on the effectivity of ascorbic acid in curing cold and cough. Since ascorbic acid is an acid it will be tested on five white mice in different proportions. If the result shows that the five white mice maintain their normal life then the said proportion is beneficial. Method of Collecting Data The researcher will be using experimentation and observation as the method of collecting data under the supervision of the consul tant.The researcher will be the one to conduct the testing and be the one to observe. To be more authentic, cellular phone will be used as instrument to take pictures of the condition of the white rat and will be presented to the consultant as well as to the human patient. To be more specific, a sample of the data if a human patient will be used as the medium the following data shall be gathered from him. a. name, sex, age, weight and address of the patient b. body temperature, blood pressure c. extent of the cold and cough whether mild or severe d. intake of the oregano menthol candy d. number of candy per day d. 2 number of days of intake e. observation of the patient by the researcher for reporting to the consultant pharmacist. f. date the researcher will bring the patient to the consultant pharmacist and his condition for check up g. result of the findings of the consultant pharmacist. Sampling Design In the selection of five patients with cold and cough, the PURPOSIVE way of sa mpling will be followed. Two patients with slight cold and cough, one with moderate cold and cough and the remaining two patients with severe cold and cough. This is more illustrated in the following figures:Patients Number Nature of cold and cough Number of candy intake per day No. of days intake 1 Slight 1 5-7 2 Slight 1 5-7 3 Moderate 1 5-7 4 Severe 1 5-7 5 Severe 1 5-7 The result will be ranked as to what number of patient will get well for a given period of days treatment. This illustration shows the expediency the patient shall be given attention for treatment. Due to time constraints the research is being conducted, the PURPOSIVE sampling will be used because there is limited/ no more time to conduct a survey to get the number of the whole population of Binatagan with cold and cough.Similarly, the effect of the treatment the fact that the respondents are very few, the effect of the treatment shall be done by observing the patients of the effect of the treatment daily and thro ugh asking questions about his feeling and healing effect of the treatment. 1 1In an interview conducted with Dr. Marivic Diaz, EPSI, Values Education/Guidance and Research and Evaluation I, Division of Ligao City on August 5, 2011 at 2:30 in the afternoon by Mr. Antonio J. Rabe, retired Elem. Sch. Principal I. MaterialsThe researcher will use the following materials in the preparation of oregano menthol candy like oregano leaves, Bunsen burner, beaker, tripod, stirring rod, triple beam balance, Erlenmeyer flask, filter paper sugar, menthol, vanilla for flavoring, wrapper, measuring spoon, cheese cloth, porcelain mortar and pestle, evaporating dish, sterilized bottle with cover properly labeled and friend baking powder. For the materials concerned in testing the effectivity of the product, the researcher will need 5 white mice and the candy (in liquid) will be injected in the mice with their allotted proportions.If the researcher got the right proportion, it will be used for making the menthol candy using the laboratory apparatuses. 5 patients with cold and cough will now take the oregano menthol candy to know whether the product is effective for curing cold and cough. Procedures 1. For testing of the product: The researcher has made two tables showing the two types of populations that will be used for the method of experiment. In the mice population, it includes the proportions of ascorbic acid and distilled water that will be used by injecting the said proportion in each mouse. The proportion is shown as follows: White mice umber Proportion Ascorbic Acid to Distilled Ascorbic Acid Distilled water 1 70% 30% 2 75% 25% 3 80% 20% 4 85% 15% 5 90% 10% Whatever proportion will come out beneficial will be the proportion that will be used in making the oregano menthol candy. For the second population having five people with cold and cough, should the researcher know the nature of their cold and cough whether mild or severe by taking these patients in the consultant p harmacist. The researcher will ask them questions as shown in the method of collecting data. The table is shown as follows: Patients Number Nature of cold and cough Number of candy intake per day No. f days intake 1 Slight 1 5-7 2 Slight 1 5-7 3 Moderate 1 5-7 4 Severe 1 5-7 5 Severe 1 5-7 2. For making the product After knowing the right proportion of ascorbic acid to be used in making an oregano menthol candy, get and wash the correct grams of oregano leaves. Prepare the ingredients for the making of oregano menthol candy with Bunsen burner, beaker, tripod, stirring rod, triple beam balance, Erlenmeyer flask, filter paper, forceps, sugar, menthol, vanilla for flavoring, wrapper, measuring spoon, evaporating dish and sterilized bottle with cover properly labeled.The researcher will use the triple beam balance to measure the mass of the oregano leaves in grams. Use a porcelain mortar and pestle to pound the oregano leaves and use a clean cheese cloth to separate the juice from the p ulp. After getting the juice, the researcher will place the amount of distilled water in the Erlenmeyer flask followed by placing the juice inside the Erlenmeyer flask with a filter paper at the top of it.After these, the researcher will get the tripod and the Bunsen burner and place the flask at the top of the tripod and put the right quantity of ingredients for making the mentholated candy inside the flask. Should the researcher know the right temperature for mixing the ingredients to the solution as per advised by the consultant pharmacist. These will now be placed in an evaporating dish. Allow the candy to be cooled. Once cooled, it will now be placed in a wrapper by using forceps and seal the wrapper. Finally, place it inside the sterilized bottle with cover and properly labeled.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Culture As A Different Perception Of Behavior - 1713 Words

Introduction Culture is termed as the way of life, activities, customs, and beliefs of a group of people or society. In deeper context, Phil Smith describes it in his book ‘Cultural Theory’ in six different definitions (Smith, 2001). They are as follows: i. Structural definitions –depicts a culture as a different perception of behavior ii. Psychological definitions- illuminates culture as playing a role in solving problems by allowing individuals to interact, learn and satisfy both material and emotional wants. iii. Historical definitions- breaks down culture as a heritage passed down to upcoming generations. iv. Normative definitions- illustrate culture in two forms. One, as a way of life that influenced behavior and action (an example being how culture is defined in tribes). Second, culture is the role of values without the mention of behavior. v. Descriptive definitions-defines culture as a wide-ranging totality that includes two ideas of social life and behavior. vi. Genetic definitions –describes a culture in terms of how it came to be and its continued existence. Culture covers all aspects and various levels of life without much concern in the arts (Smith, 2001). In reference to the context, Lia Lee’s family was cultural, in that they still held on to a belief that was passed on to them from previous generations. Cultural competence Cultural competence is the ability of an individual to work and communicate well with other people from a variety ofShow MoreRelatedPerception, Motivation and Behavior Within Organizations Essay1297 Words   |  6 PagesHow Perception Influences Motivation and Behavior within Organizations There are a lot of factors that affect a person’s behavior or that will influence their motivation. As leaders it is important to try and understand these underlining factors to be able to improve decision making and outcomes for the organization. One area that can have a big impact on behavior and motivation is perception. 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