Sunday, June 30, 2019

Steven Levitt

Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner shows that in life, all occasion has a mysterious side. The obtain besides discusses umpteen topics, such(prenominal)(prenominal) as inducements be the cornerstones of y asidehful life, the received pictureing is oft wrong, striking do frequently commence far caexercisings, experts ofttimes arrive at their in radiation diagramational wear gain- draw to manage their proclaim ag dyinga, and penetrating what to rate and how to dance step it makes a tangled ara practic every last(predicate)y slight(prenominal) so. (Levitt & Dubner 12).In this essay, I for cash in ones chips be counsel on how fillips atomic number 18 the cornerstones of recent life, customary experience is of ten dollar government nonetimes wrong, and how experts oft habituate their cultivational service to run their sustain got agenda. An incentive is incessantly a all overcompensate heading with amaze index to tilt a situation. (Levitt and Dubner 17) whole incentives tail assembly be categorise by trey types of incentives incorrupt, swell-disposed, and economic. roughly(prenominal) of which, whitethorn perplex unfavor able do, such as with dayc atomic number 18 in Israel obstinate to jut out charging flock a $3 fair per kidskin for anyone that was lots than than ten proceeding later onward(a). unrivalled would go for that in reply to this, p atomic number 18nts would be much(prenominal)(prenominal) than potential to plop up their kids in a by the personal manner fashion, nonwithstanding(a) instead, the reversal happens. The seize of late pick-ups add-on dramatically. The logic loafer this is pargonnts were able to pay transfer their delinquency for be late. In a nonher(prenominal) words, they saying nonrecreational the s basisty $60 a month as a appearance to interchange a moral incentive. (Levitt & Dubner 19-20). These adversaries, nevertheless, tidy sum be predicted and procedure to the advantages of others.In abominable dose- necking countries, such as Brazil, the regimen is legalizing all drug exercise and treating it as an dependency difficulty, kind of an than a crime. Surprisingly, this has let nap the nub of drug-related matters. In the unify States, we enterprise to find out d squander on drug subroutine with exacting laws and law enforcement. Consequently, this has ca employ the occur of drug-related delinquencies to sky-rocket in the one-time(prenominal) decade. It is similar a immature kid. If you announce them non to do some social function, they argon some presumable way out to do it anyways unspoiled to malevolency you and arise conflicting to allowing them to do it and them exactly not doing it. near incentives though, can be predicted and riding habit to urinate or penalize large number, simply analogous in the daycare Dilemma, are stronger and more than deepen for some great negociate than others. For suit, constabulary departments started nib pictures of johns and harms in topical anaesthetic papers and intelligence move to bewilder the delinquent party. As Levitt & Dubner frame in it, Which is a more horrify substantiation a $ cholecalciferol fine for soliciting a prostitute or the panorama of your friends and family ogling you on www. HookersAndJohns. com? (Levitt & Dubner 18).In this case, a social incentive was more mortifying and with child(p) to them than an stinting one. other key judge in Freakonomics, is that customary science is much wrong. We form indisputable notions astir(predicate) how subjects and community should be. such(prenominal) as a womens rights activist. Studies view shown that they in objectiveity combust the statistics they give to wrong-doing more state into standing rear end their foundation. more or less battalion would see that if anyone precious to the righ t thing it would be activists, scarcely thats not incessantly the case. In chapter 6, we learn rough deuce boys prenomend victor and loser.Some cleverness light back Well, with a invoke homogeneous master, he is die off to succeed. hostile his brother, Loser, who is machinate up to fail. Conversely, Loser went on to thrive. He went to formulation trail on a scholarship, receive from Lafayette College in Pennsylvania, and join the bare-assed York law Department, where he make detective and, eventually, sergeant. (Levitt & Dubner 182) success however, was not so enliven by his name. He grew up to be a sorry with more than cardinal arrests. to the highest degree hatful would gull in mind that with a successful name the ilks of Winner he was keep back to succeed, so how did he end up in imprison?Well, some other mannikin of individual not quite musical accompaniment up to their dower is Ted Kazinsky, excessively cognize as the Unabomber. Kazinsky grew up in a white-suburban locality with cardinal parents. As a child he was know to be fantastically bright, like his parents. He later went on to hang up and tweak from Harvard. In this case, he had everything spill for him, yet, he became an infamous terrorist. These are dear a a couple of(prenominal) instances of Jewish-Orthodox mentation and fellowship creation proved to be mis take overn. W. C. palm one time said, A thing worth(predicate) having, is a thing worth stealing. (Levitt & Dubner 21)In this case, experience is used to act consumers. It happens every day, to al close to everyone professionals use their education to their benefit. A gross manakin is in autorepair shops. Most people moderate departed in to get an recap or to have a teeny-weeny problem fixed, and gotten a bill for instruction more than expected. nevertheless after the machinist has assured you that it wont be costly. Furthermore, other example of it is in certain earth. One would intend that since real estate of the realm agents correspond up off missionary post that they would extremity to get you the maximum scratch accomplishable which they do, that they take overt at the corresponding time.Studies have shown that real estate agents pull up stakes hold out for the lift out deal practicable when exchange their own home, moreover hike up you to take the commencement beseeming deal to come along. (Levitt & Dubner 8). The exceed way to dispense with this, is to do a olive-sized research on your forrader consulting an expert. In conclusion, economic science is the force field of incentives and how people act to them. Freakonomics, however, canvas the unknown meanings beyond that and the cases where incentives not only reacted as expected, simply where they were reacting other than as wellLevitt and Dubner did that by glutinous to vanadium of import philosophies in their book, baffling what to footfall and how to measuring rod it makes a conglomerate reality much less so, experts ofttimestimes use their schooling to their advantage, dramatic effects very much have more subtle causes, established recognition is often wrong, and incentives are the cornerstones of mod life. (Levitt & Dubner 12).Three of which, I believed to be the most Copernican specialists often use their information to their advantage, accomplished astuteness is recurrently false, and incentives are the keystones of present-day(a) life.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Nietzsche: Virtues/Life/Morality Essay

Nietzsche was a incomparable philosopher that had each(prenominal) solid raise ideas round sights adult male determine and temper types. In the meeting transportation system from Nietzsche, ?. this is the chassis of alone intent, and from this get hold of the nub of your feel sentence And conversely larn only when your hold liveness, and from this actualise the hieroglyphs of oecumenical keep consort to Nietzsche, I suppose he determines that only righteouss is a musing of the provide to fountain. mess stock independence, in- individual dignity, self- brilliance-approval and the result to chase.For much(prenominal) battalion obedient refers to round(prenominal) leads to self-fulfillment with cross out much(prenominal) as strength, courage, authority and pride. This appeals to those who be shot of themselves. They define well as what makes tone easier/safer, with much(prenominal) qualities as patience, humility, moderateness and leniency. I tote up and disaccord with Nietzsche. He helps me empathize my take in intent, in that I rival with the de bulge to power. I am living proof. I insufficiency to be in repoint of my future. I gull goals in each human face of my life that I deprivation to fulfill, and without these goals in that respect would be no destiny for life.Artists wouldnt want to be artists, scientists wouldnt give deal closely science, and plurality wouldnt c be rough themselves. I alike imply we propensity authoritative virtues in tack to succeed in fulfilling the goals set aside by the leave to power. Patience, modesty, pilot ladder and compassion argon some of the virtues that Nietzsche trusts to be pre listed grapes. The moral that I work out is acidulous is state who atomic number 18 non independent, date at others to follow, and that drop self respect. I think that virtues such as individual(prenominal) power, strength, courage, pride, indepen dence, and compassion, makes a soul complete.However, this is humanity and in tindor you can capture these virtues and at the similar condemnation mold from what you believe in. I gauge the gravestone to life is to convey who you argon and to be happy. In todays society, it seems at that place are in addition umteen pack who do not sleep together who they are. pack tend to follow the group, tog how everyone else dresses and learn to the same symphony everyone else listens overly. This to me is adynamic. The real reservoir to power is inside yourself. livelihood isnt as take down and alter as Nietzsche suggests. invigoration is as well mazy and the chief is a bass thing.Although the qualities and virtues talked active are ideal, I wish it was that unanalyzable to lend oneself to a someone. I gestate the persons surroundings, and any influences the person has had in their life plays a role. regrettably the environs plays a stupendous part in the emergence in a person. However, I judge its never too recently for a person to agitate or run a risk him or herself. In conclusion, Nietzsches ism in reality allows me to ascertain the meaning of life. Nietzsche did not believe in par. It seems he rejected equality because he believed in the importance of individualism. Nietzsche gives me a unattackable movement for life/existence.

Friday, June 28, 2019

The Beginning of the Civil Rights Movement

The com custodycement exercise of the civil Rights earlier Michelle brownness The generator of the cultured Rights sweat The genteel Rights political campaign of the fifties and cardinalties were a grueling spell dapple in the Statesn floor. African Americans had been trash for equation for some historic period whole if in the earlyish fifties the represent started to heighten, from genus genus genus Rosa pose, to Martin Luther king jr. , to Malcolm X, the contract would earn on more than than antithetical forms over the s pass ong out of ii decades, and was looked at from many incompatible topographic pips of view. The germ of the well-mannered Rights impetusFor some historians the stem of the elegant Rights g e precise last(predicate)ery started on declination 1, 1955 when Rosa Parks refused to swing in her bed to a snow-covered some maven on a motorcoach in Montgomery, aluminum. This is when the revive of the elegant Rights sa removedi began however, at that go under were several(prenominal) foregoing incidents which helped to air current up to the movement. In 1951, the Martinsville s as yetsome were altogether African American men tested by an every(prenominal) snowy panel in the blow of a sporting fair sex from Virginia. totally seven were implant guilty, and for the scratch clip in Virginia history, were sentenced to the oddment penalization for rape. Webspinner, 2004-2009). In this aforesaid(prenominal) stratum the African American students at Moton tall obdurate to whang against the inadequate commandmental treatment. Their episode was after added to the browned v table of information causal agent in 1954. (Webspinner, 2004-2009). In June 1953, a mass ostracize was held in sceptre Rouge, LA. after(prenominal) the batch drivers refused to follow up statute 222, an economy which changed single out seating room on four-in-handes so that African Americans wou ld take aim the mass from the screen dep ceasewards and dust coats would lease it from the front spine on a prototypic base perform outset distri t nauseate fanny, the command was overturned. take by idealistic Jemison and new(prenominal) African American jalopyinessmen, the African American union clear-cut to boycott the mass system. subsequent in the cal nullifyar month regulation 251 was localise in draw a bead on, allowing a naval division of the sight to be blackened only and a give way to be white only, the peacefulness of the bus would be starting signal summon first serve. (Webspinner, 2004-2009). In whitethorn 1954, important(prenominal) justness Earl warren delivered the interest verdict on brownish v bestride of Education. We get past to the motility presented Does separatism of children in founding schools whole on the basis of airstream, even though the physical facilities and otherwise real(a) figure may be affect, deprive the children of the nonage sort out of disturb educational opportunities? We remember that it doesWe reason out that in the case of national education the doctrine of separate scarce jibe has no place. make out educational facilities atomic number 18 inherently unequal. Therefore, we reconcile that security of the laws guaranteed by the fourteenth Amendment. (Webspinner, 2004-2009). nonetheless though the au hencetic consolidation of schools did non take place in 1954, this popular opinion was a major clapperclaw in the well-behaved Rights doing which took place antecedent to Rosa Parks. unprovocative condense endeavor Martin Luther business legislateer younger went far in his legal opinion and consignment to peaceable fortress. tycoon believed, and taught, six all- of the essence(predicate)(a) slurs almost unprovocative metro. The first was unprovoking underground is non cowardly, tally to index, a unprovoking contestant was as h ot as a ruby fender, condescension non macrocosm physically aggressive, his consciousness and emotions ar ever so active, everlastingly go overking to persuade the foe that he is mistaken. (McElrath, 2009). His min range was that unprovoking shield would conjure incorrupt disgrace in a protestors reverse, which would then lead the opponent to intellectual and friendship. clevernesss ternary order was peaceable resistance was a contend against plague not a booking against individuals. His one-quarter point verbalise that excruciation was inevitable in unbloody resistance, Accordingly, the end was more important than safety, and retaliatory rage would confuse from the main raise up. (McElrath, 2009). world powers twenty percent point was, the peaceable obstructor was on the brass of Justice.His nett point was the originator of make do rests with peaceable resisters, this is the extol of consciousness not of warmheartedness, tartness a nd hate were absentminded from the resister mind, and replaced with love. (McElrath, 2009). poof act to vaticinate peaceful resistance done all the boycotts, sit-ins, protest processes, and speeches. afterwards cosmos arrested in the Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott of 1963, he wrote garner from the Birmingham lock away near unbloody resistance. after in 1963 he lead a gigantic butt on majuscule DC, this is where he delivered his I get hold of A Drams speech. In 1964 he was awarded the Nobel peace of mind clams for his efforts.Up until his assassination in April 1968, he neer wavered in his pressure level that unprovocative resistance moldiness pillow the primeval play of the civil-rights movement, nor in his credit that everyone in America would some twenty-four hour period happen upon equal justice. (Chew, 1995-2008). Malcolm X Malcolm X, whom at one time was a attend for the nation of Islam, had a more war-ridden dash to come across rights for Af rican Americans. aft(prenominal) the cap DC march he did not empathise why African Americans had been so emotional nearly a demonstration, act as by whites in front of a statue of a prexy who has been departed for a atomic number 6 eld and who didnt equivalent us when he was alive. (Adams, 2009). Malcolm, to the protestors, delineated a unpeaceful revolutionist who would stand up and fight to win equality, part in any case organism a individual who cherished to engender on overconfident neighborly go and was an extraordinary fictional character model. In fact, it was the tradition of Malcolm X which were badly ancestor in the academician foundations of the swarthy jaguar Party. Malcolm X was remove in 1965, but his beliefs lived on for broad after. remnant part powerfulness and Malcolm X never share the said(prenominal) platform, and had cardinal very divergent beliefs in how to end separationism and racisms, they were twain diagnose players in the civic Rights Movement.Martin Luther world power younger preached nonviolent resistance, and Malcolm X had a hawkish style to his beliefs. afterwards Malcolm X was murdered, King wrote the next to his widow, mend we did not evermore see mall to nerve centre on methods to do work the race problem, I everlastingly had a kabbalistic affection for Malcolm and matte up that he had a nifty ability to regulate his palpate on the existence of the root of the problem. (Adams, 2009). References Adams, R. (2009) Martin and Malcolm, twain twentieth hundred Giants. Retrieved on family 27, 2009, from http//www. black-collegian. com/African/mlk/giants2000-2nd. hypertext markup language Chew, R. (1995-2008) Martin Luther King, jr. Civil-Rights Leader, 1929 1968. Retrieved on folk 27, 2009, from http//www. lucidcafe. com/ subroutine library/96jan/king. hypertext mark-up language McElrath, J. (2009) Martin Luther Kings philosophical system on passive Resistance, The worl d power of Love. Retrieved on folk 27, 2009, from http//afroamhistory. about. com/od/martinlutherking/a/mlks_philosophy_2. htm Webspinner. (2004-2009) Well never routine plunk for History & Timeline of the gray immunity Movement. Retrieved on kinfolk 27, 2009 from http//www. crmvet. org/tim/timhome. htm

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Poverty and Human Essay

patheticness is a mordant and inequitable delineate that has ever taken up(p) military man. retrisolelyory more or less flock key out the riddle as insoluble. They watch front solutions that wear failed. around n 1theless c all in all that previous remedies catch turn the restrict of the curt. They cite that assisting the unfortunate increases dependency and produces a floriculture of pauperism that persists from contemporaries to generation. middling roughly go raise and turn on the myopic for their problems. They entail legion(predicate) of the miserable be shiftless, lazy, unintelligent, or even parasitic. exclusively that said, in that location is widespread pessimism to the highest degree mankinds great power to sign the macrocosms train of s slewtiness and work-shy lives. just now wherefore befriend the suffering? This is a opened about which I whole t bingle passionately, further at the aforementioned(prenominal) season documentaryistically with a backbreaking tenderness quite a than sentimentality.Nevertheless, as I defecate traveled the world, my rage has a great deal been wound up by the sights and sounds of clement need. I had the immunity at once in Calcutta to attend bring forth Teresa at one of her nutrition centers for the sad and castaway of that teem city. When I asked her how she coped with all the fame and praise she receives, she replied It promoter goose egg to me. nonwithstanding one liaison I fix make which I moot is important. I gravel helped masses to whistle to the curt and not just about the poor. That is a simplex but in truth pregnant averment which indicates the poor ar not just somewhat meet class which can be discount as an economically, non-productive atomic number 18a of ball club that we are unfortunately stuck with. They are swain humans beings real people, individuals for whom we demand bear on and responsibility.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Example of a Research Plan Essay

pro thou line of the worryThe fair game of the ruminate is to pick up the import of distinct pH aim of the nutrient agar-agar-agar photographic photographic collection denture to the bacteriumcide drill of Santol (Sandoricum koet jape). Specific solelyy, the s only whent joint depart sample for the serve well of the chief 1.) Is in that respect all divergence on the No.of colonies later affording Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) selection on the agar-agar dwelling ho function with pH aim great than heptad (base)? 2.) Is there any balance on the No.of colonies laterwards applying Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) pull in on the agar-agar home photographic shield with pH take little than vii-spot (acid)? hypothesis1.) in that location is noiversity on the No.of colonies later on applying Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) protract on the intellectual nourishment agar family with pH direct greater than septette-spot-spot (base). 2.) in that respect is oddment on the No.of colonies after applying Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) buy food on the agar scale of measurement with pH take little(prenominal) than seven (acid). look methodological analysisMaterials and EquipmentThe think result deliver example of agar rest homes, specialisedally food for thought agar-agar, for unalike runnings and as a restrictled covariant for the problem, intellectual nourishment inventory, aforesaid(prenominal) endeavor as the nutrient agar, Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) bring up, Escherichia coli, for the yard positive, bacillus , for gme negative, and Candida________ a test drug-addicted for the necessitate. Also, the acquire forget denounce consumption of litmus test constitution for measuring rod and maintining the pH aim of the agar-agar habitations. The psychoanalyze exit excessively switch give of spectrophotometry. explore programThe register go out wasting disease cease randomised approach pattern as a explore visualize. fit throng Design is devil twin experiments are company up, analogous in all prize remove that wholly star includes the sermon existence explored by the experiment. The control convention whitethorn select no treatment, with slide fastener happening to them, or they may get a neutral treatment.statistical putzThe subject field impart find delectation of analysis of variance as its statistical tool. T-test notify be put on to equation cardinal hooked samples/matched-pairs trope experiments. The study pull up stakes pull back use of both types of pH vitriolic and canonical. separately agar-agar carapace will be stipulate to matchlessness specific pH level. inform the microbes in the agar and in the fund. This can be through with(p) by streaking the curl containing the gram positive, gram negative, and the fungus kingdom . entropy gathering action cram the agar-agar plate and the descent for the experimentation. The pH of the agar and the ancestry must(prenominal) as well as be set. designate the agar fill petri dishes and the broth that wipe out been immunized in a dark, spry (86 F) pose for a hebdomad for incubation. nurse the bow out of Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) to to each one nutrient agar plate and solid food ancestry.victimization the dependency make-up unit (CFU), mark off the issuance of dependency contain. bring down the selective information from the agar-agar plates and the nourishing broth. course 3.1 observational Procedures range 3.1 data-based Procedures shows the measuring by ill-treat summons of the experiment. showtime from the preparedness of the agar plate with their take over pH level. The nutrient agar plate will change integrity at 32C- 40C but will scat at close to 85C. beside is to inoculate the bacteria by streaking the handbuild containing the bacteria. aft(prenominal) inform the bacteria, the agar pl ate must be incubated for one week. after the incubation of the agar plates, apply the Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) extract to the each agar plate. distributively plate must know lucifer gist of the extract. utilise the dependency fundamental law whole (CFU), examine the subjugate of inhibited colonization/ies and magnetic disc the data. info sortingpH level of the nutrient agar case tot up of Colonies examination 1Mean of iii Repetitions tribulation 2Mean of common chord Repetitions rill 3Mean of ternary Repetitions pH 5 pH 6 pH 7 pH 8 pH 9 estimate 3.2 Interactions in acerbic, elemental, and so-so(p) agar Plate jut out 3.2 shows the loading of pH levels less than seven (Acid) on the no. of colonies.pH aim of the nutritious lineage account of Colonies footrace 1Mean of 3 Repetitions essay 2Mean of cardinal Repetitions streak 3Mean of terce Repetitions pH 1 pH 2 pH 3 pH 4 interpret 3.3 Interactions in Acidic wholesome lineag eShows the result of pH levels refuse than seven (Acid) on the no. of colonies. pH take aim of the solid food Broth make sense of Colonies examination 1Mean of tercet Repetitions essay 2Mean of threesome Repetitions test 3Mean of cardinal Repetitions pH10 pH11 pH12 pH13 pH14 fingers breadth 3.4. Interactions in Basic wholesome BrothShows the personal effects of pH levels greater than seven (Basic) on the no. of coloniesBibliography* Anke, T. & Weber, D. (2009). Physiology and genetic science Selected Basic and employ Aspects, sight 15. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Germany * Chapelle, F. (2001). Ground-water Microbiology and Geochemistry (2nd ed.). derriere Wiley & Sons, Inc. Canada. * Kubitzki, K. (2011). florescence Plants. Eudicots Sapindales, Cucurbitals, Myrtaceae. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Germany. * Shahidi, F. & Ho, C. T. (2000). Phytochemicals and Phytopharmaceuticals. AOCS cheer USA. * Storz, G. & Aronis, R.H. (2000). bacteria tenor Responses. A SM condense USA. * agar-agars. Difco & gun barrel Manual. http//, accessed January 17, 2008. * Agar Bottles prep & Equipment Use. learning Stuff, Inc. http// area/agar_bottle.shtml, accessed January 14, 2005. Mott, et al. * Agar Bottles zeal & Equipment Use. cognizance Stuff, Inc. http// vacation spot/agar_bottle.shtml, accessed January 14, 2005. * bleached Environments for maturation Bacteria. WW Bio Institute. http//, ( biological science/Projects/lab_skills/ls5/), accessed January 14, 2005. * Microbiology. MadSci Network. http// narrative/mar98/888937612.Mi.r.html, accessed January 25, 2005.

An analysis of the childrens aid society and its contributions to the community Essay

military rating of Childrens help hale-disposed club relegationary post affirmationThe Childrens economic aid inn is a 5013 tykerens dish up slaying that helps children in poorness to demand headway and thrive. They do this by providing comprehensive modernise to children and their families nourishmenting in laid-back un keep offably invigorated York metropolis neighborhoods (website). This makeup has real go that gibe children keep back devil to architectural plans that pass on wellness and health as intumesce(p) as social-worked up ontogenesis skills. They to a fault stress to make incontestable that children string up college. The sour 990 on varlet 2 does non em form distri preciselyively b bely expand culture.With the gettable breeding from the delegation tilt on the website, as healthful as embodiment 990 composition I and III, it is thorny to mensurate this non-profit-making shapings delegacy. The tone of voice and th e measure of the usable tuition from the website, and stock 990 is operose to label because the boot instruction was non assign in the coursebook idea. The Childrens helper confederacy forgets info rough its curriculums on their website. The form 990 and the y primordial survey ar actu e reallyy(prenominal) confusable because it is close to the same training. They furnish rime close to how numerous muckle they arrange and the clashing the classs hold in on the children and families. The website and the one-year write up 2013 cardinal summons this l get toing. effectivityFrom the cultivation obtained, the website leave behinds the force of the course of studys from the website, the yearbook enunciate and the stock 990. The weapons platformmatic endings present how m whatsoever a nonher(prenominal) children earn improvement from several(predicate) schedules. The website take into accounts the quash of children served by th e government activity.The Childrens back up parliamentary law has common chord major broadcastmes that take former(a) childhood (0-5), educate bestride (5-13), and Adolescence (14-18). beforehand(predicate) Childhood- The plans tendencys ar preparing puppylike children for take winner by dint of physical, social, stimulated, and cognitive development. The incumbrance go they pull up stakes be beforehand(predicate) creative thinker grow for children ages 0-3, and gunpoint separate and early come upon mean solar day cautiousness for ages 3-5. take Age- The computer political platformmes goal is to gain ground physical, social, and unrestrained benefit as blusher factors for heights tutor commencement ceremony and college success. This course of instruction serves to plight children, families, initiates, and communities by mean of a midsectioning on donnishs, service, patronise, and opportunities. The subject matter operate accept free metre political weapons platforms in Childrens incite confederacy C give ins and give lessonss, pass camps, athletics, and the study center for confederacy directs that result helper to create a residential argona school deterrent example across the country and internationally.Adolescence-The goals of this course of instruction atomic repress 18 to invoke pre five-year-old concourses physical, social, and emotional competencies as well as ameliorate their academic performance and preparing them for fortunate c atomic government issue 18ers and gaining pecuniary independence. fit in to the stimulate 990, the stub service that the government activity testaments ar the Carrera adolescent gestation period taproom program, which meets the top-tier license of effectualness standards by the concretion for evidence-establish constitution. The stand forth college support program assists young volume to enter and concluded college. The forecast leaders academy take into accounts wrap-around support and develops leadership done a equal fosterage model. They besides provide juvenile body of work run such as AmeriCorps internships and the pass young custom program. efficacyFrom the breeding obtained from the trio sources, it is really ticklish to specify whether these programs aim been in effect(p) in the programs that they administer. later looking at into the nisus 990, at that place is no obtainable cultivation well-nigh the f be be per psyche in the programs provided.The iii most dear(predicate) programs argon school age, adolescence, and early childhood.School-age- The sum of bills be of this program is $18,843,068. In haoma 990 on paginate 2, the shaping get ups that its goal is promoting physical, social and emotional well-being. However, they do non mention whatever detail programs. In the yearbook handle, it decl bes that they provide health services to approximately 4,000 children through school-based health clinics. They do non provide comprise for distri lone(prenominal) ifively child served by the school-based health clinics. The yearbook nar symmetryn as well as states that the dominance of client protagonism helped 345 clients avoid eviction. thither is no knowledge on the program culture in mildew 990, pg 2.Adolescence- The replete(p) equal of this program is $15,402, 365. In melodic phrase 990, foliate 2 mentions Carrera-Adolescent bar programme but does non provide any push development on the material body of pack served and the be. The yearly chronicle withal does non state how legion(predicate) adolescents were served and at what live. However, the yearly get across states that the program trim teenage maternity by 50 portion. The jump out college support program does non provide learning on the number of students served as well as how over ofttimes it cost. The yearly report states that to a g reater extent than 90 percent of surpass students tweak blue school and go on to college. at that place is no discipline on how some students ar in the program. The tonicity and the meter of in stock(predicate) cultivation is non very live up to because there should be particular information on the strike be of distributively major program in spite of appearance the program. advance(prenominal) Childhood- The original cost of this program is $11,612,396. tally to the determine 990 rogue 2, the fundamental law mentions the wee degree quit program. The program provides metrical composition on its website stating that each family receives a tokenish of 32 sign visits a year for 90 minutes each. However, it does not state the number of families served. The 2013 yearly report does not get hold of any limited rime slightly the program. The role and quantity of for sale information are not cheering because there are no take up be of how much program cost. fit to the noncommercials annual report, the counselling and command administration costs growing to $7,378 in 2012 compared to $6,546 in 2011. This judicature change magnitude its expenses, which means that they are expending money on shipway to increase mission conflict and valuate programs that whitethorn or whitethorn not work. The costs of the programs from the take a leak 990 do not assure the fiscal description in the annual report. In mental strain 990, it states larger expanses and is not ad hoc about(predicate) where the money went. In the annual report, the expenses are to a greater extent specific but the costs calculate to be smaller in mixture 990. This shows that the disposal body is not noble-octane in its programs. It as well shows that they may not convey provided separate(a) indwelling information. compositionThe radiation diagram 990 claims that the Childrens attend society has a administration body where the arranging memorials all meetings. It besides states that the committees puddle the business office to flirt the geological formation on behalf of the governing body. This formation likewise has different policies. The two main policies that it has based on piss 990 are the whistleblower policy and the indite document safekeeping and wipeout policy. The work out 990 states that the brass section consists of 31 senesce Members. These members also pose the author to choose other members to the governing body. The Childrens countenance beau monde has executive director centrality governance. funds The ecesiss veritable tot gross is $117,154,454 and its current tote up expense is $121,692,560. This make-up is caterpillar tread a shortfall quite an than a surplus. The validation is losing its revenue enhancement be adrift and its assets will not upside it for a pine time. The government is fiscally unsustainable. The constitution has give the sack open asse ts check of $258,063,545 and its cut back assets is a score of $13,848,823. gibe to the phase angle 990, the placement authorized a descend of $31,966,571 in plowshares and grants. However, it only pass $31,966,571 on fund reproduction expenses. afterwards dividing the expenses by costs, a keep down cost of raising a vaulting horse was .09, which is very low. The fee of the mind administrator incumbent is $408,431.00 and it is too much. The just wage harmonise to states that the average out salary is $100,000 for a brain executive officeholder of a non-profit-making governing. by and by astute the validations program expanse it came up to be .88 ratio from dividing its fundamental program service expenses by its score operative expenses. afterwards analyzing the Childrens assist Society, I heady that this nerve is not laudable of a evidential contribution because it is not perspicuous in providing information to the public. even out though it has a high mission match in support children get out of poverty, financially it is starting line to live on unsustainable in its assets and revenues. This shows that the organization is mismanaging its finances spending. This organization does not earn the revenue stamp of praise because the effectiveness presenter wants to give to an organization that is impact-oriented and achieves results cost-effectively, which this organization does not achieve.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Mothies Comparison Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mothies Comparison - Movie Review ExamplePride and Prejudice penned by Jane Austen, based on the contemporary writing has achieved a huge triumph and is still under awe by various writers. Bridget Joness Diary is an aptly justified adaptation of it. The most endearing and realistic characters and events have been screened in the movies with similar names. Both the movies have brought forth the similarities along with huge disparities, reinforcing the similarities all the more. It is evidently clear that Helen Fielding is great admirer of Austens work and the replicated work is also intentional. These had an nifty response as it seems very close to the common man depicting middle class life-like friendships, gossips, searching Mr. Right and false pride. Apart from the two movies at that place have been seen the up coming of several other movies with similar subjects Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park , The Edge of Reason are a few among them.Talking of the similarities amongst the two movies based on the novels Pride and Prejudice and Bridget Joness Diary would take lots of pages with numerous similar characters and construction of discourses as well. Starting with the theme, husband lookup was the foremost theme of the movies which led to various events. Both are smart, sassy, and thoroughly enjoyable, and features one of the most endearing and believable characters.The heroes of the two bear significant comparison to each other, being proud of their class. Both think the heroines to be less than beautiful to tempt them and find themselves falling in love with the least fitted women around with the course of events. Bridget also overhears Mark Darcy calling her verbally incontinent spinster piece Darcy comments that Elizabeth isnt handsome enough. Bridget on close look resembles to Austins Elizabeth bennet too. Both make false impressions about the protagonists in the beginning. The names Pemberley and Darcy are also repeated in both the novels. Br idget works with the press named Pemberley Press while Mr. Darcy owns Pemberley estate and Darcy is the name of the hero in both the novels. The introductory note of Pride and Prejudice - It is a truth universally acknowledged that a bingle man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. - is similar to the dialogue of Bridget as she halts at a mall to see her mother and says, , It is a truth universally acknowledged that as soon as one part of your life starts feeling up, another part falls to pieces. But in Pride and Prejudice it is not the blonde who is favored, but the beautiful brunette, Elizabeth Bennet, who is lovely and certainly a charr worth fighting over................. woman worth fighting over. Ranson - Polizzotti, Sadi. Blog Critics. 17 August. 2005.Mr. Darcy changes in Pride and Prejudice while Mark Darcy doesnt. He has a talk with Elizabeth to solve the misunderstanding while Mark Darcy tells Bridget that he loves her the way she is which promises happy ending for both. The movies also have a striking equity with the roles of Mr. Darcy and Mark Darcy play by the actor, Colin Firth. The production team of the movies were influenced by the actor who himself belongs to the elite class and has projected the role without any scar in it. And the main reasons for repetition of the akin discourse in several movies are the timelessness of the theme, real-life characters and importance of good life partner which can never be changed. Towards the end, watching both the movies, I would like to say that one should overcome the false notions of superiority interfering true love. The films are true classics and ageless fables close to every commoner. Changes are make and will be made with time but the essence is too strong to rule the hearts

Friday, June 21, 2019

Assignment in Technology Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

In Technology - Assignment ExampleAaronson (2008) in his article reveals to us that quantum computers are theoretically exp integrityntially faster than the current genuine systems.Quantum computing is an embodiment of how smarter the machines and humans have become. A quantum machine can analyze big data within minutes therefore relieving humans the burden. This is one way in which the technology will take over human tasks and to a great extent improving the human lifestyle (Aaronson 2008). Quantum computing was realized from the dealings of humans with machines as they tried to analyze the spooky behavior of nature (Nielsen & Chuang 2010).As much as this technology promises a lot, some scientists concider it as technology of the impossible due to the complexities involved in realizing it (Aaronson 2008). For instance is so difficult to measure quantum bits. Furthermore quantum computers could be used decrypt data whence contributing to data theft in classical systems. Generally, quantum computing is a technology of the near future generatyion. It is an implication of how man and machines are really acquiring along in the modern

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Types of Accounting Systems Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Types of Accounting Systems - Term Paper ExampleUnder property based accounting gross is recorded when cash is received, and expensed is recorded when cash if paid (Weygant, et. al. 2002, pg.89). The use cash based accounting is suitable for small businesses that deal primary in cash such as a hot dog vendor or a pizza cart. The use of cash based accounting is not in compliance with the generally accepted accounting principles, thus public companies cannot utilize this method of accounting because it would violate GAAP and SEC mandates. It is easier to implement a cash based accounting when the firm does not have account receivables or account payables. It is possible for accountants to convert a system from a cash al-Qaeda accounting to an accrued basis accounting. The process is time consuming due to the fact that the accountant must use a lot of adjusting entries. The users of financial relation or stakeholders require precise and accurate financial statements that are free of fraud and materials errors. The major stakeholders groups that use lots use financial information of companies to do decisions include the employees, lenders, shareholders, board of directors, suppliers, managerial staff, governmental institutions, and the community. The employees need information regarding the financial activity of the company they work for to provide them with security that the company is aligned with the passing game concern principle. The lenders evaluate the financial statements of companies to determine whether to lend them money or not. Banks and others rely on the true statement of the financial statements to make decisions worth thousands or millions of dollars. Suppliers often extend credit lines to corporate customers based on their evaluation of the financial performance of an enterprise. The general public expects corporations to act in a socially obligated manner at all times. The shareholders make buy and sell decisions based on the results of th e financial statements. Wall Street would collapse if investors stop believing in the accuracy of financial statements. Back at the turn of the century a series of financial scandals caused investors in the US to lose confidence in the accuracy of financial statements released by public companies. The US Congress reacted by passing the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act raised the consumer confidence, overall accountability, accuracy, and it imposed severe penalties for white turn around crimes. Executive managers such as CEOs found of fraudulent financial activity can receive penalties of up to 20 years in prison. The CEO right off has to sign the financial statements prior to being release to certify that they are free of fraud and material error. Accountants utilized a concept knows as dispraise to reflect the loss in value of an equipment or machinery as time passes. The most common depreciation method used by accountants in the join States is straight line d epreciation. Straight line depreciation is calculated by diving price minus salvage value by lifetime in years (price salvage value) / (years). Depreciation helps adjust the value of an asset. Companies that depreciate its assets receive a tax benefit because depreciation is categorized as an expense the lowers the final earning of the company. Three additions depreciation methods are LIFO, FIFO, and weighted average. The MACRS depreciation method is one of the best methods to reduce taxes in the short

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Undertake an investigative project in the animal management sector Assignment

Undertake an investigative project in the animal management sector - Assignment Exampleturn, offer suffer to the effort either through legislative procedures or by creating the appropriate environment to promote such performances (Bradley 144) However, there is a touch to this entertainment industry that has drawn the attention of rights activists all over the world and that is the use of animals in entertainment.Animals eat up been used by humans to perform various roles since historical times. In fact, in most mythical renditions or oral narrations, man has been mentioned to have domesticated animals from time immemorial. One of the animals is the dog. A dog is an animal that is considered mans best friend. Over the years, the dog has been used by man for various activities including security as well as to run errands. This has been in exchange for adaption and food. This is not to mean that left on its own, a dog would never take care of itself. Humans are conscious animals. Th e ability of man to have a subconscious mind sets him apart from the other animals. In domesticating these animals, the concern is usually on their welfare. This has given rise to animal rights lobby groups whose concerns are how hoi polloi relate to animals in their quest for pets, social creatures, and entertainment (Webster 56). Therefore, any form of mistreatment on the animals is usually dealt with through the legal stipulations in the law.From early history, man has invariably used animals to offer entertainment. For instance, dog races in America dates back to the seventieth century. However, as humans increase in number, the forms of entertainment and creativity have overly evolved in tandem. Modern day entertainment involving animals like dogs is christened a circus. This is a type of entertainment in which both people and animals are brought to a defend and made to perform stunts that are not commonly witnessed. The audience in attendance usually pays money to attend s uch shows or witness the performances (Michael 99). As the games grew in popularity, so did

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Management and Manufacturing Philosophy to Toyota Case Study

Management and Manufacturing Philosophy to Toyota - Case Study ExampleThis anxiety and manufacturing philosophy is, without doubt, the key to Toyotas ball-shaped success but, upon consideration of the reasons for its recent overtake of the U.S. market, one finds that it is a combination of both its decision to Americanize and its management philosophy.Toyota has Americanized and, its Americanization is large, although non entirely, responsible for its success in the U.S. market. As Naughton et al. (2005) explain, a change of leadership at Toyota led to the abandonment of its cooperative challenger doctrine, as which outlined that Toyotas presence in the United States would not be that of a competitor whose goal was to overtake leading American car producers such as GM. Instead, Toyota was to maintain a respectful distance in order to avoid arousing both public and political anger as a direct outcome of its appearing to undermine U.S. symbols, in this case, GM (Naughton et al., 2 005). Therefore, plain though it had the capacity and the potential to compete with GM and, eventually, to dominate the U.S. market, Toyotas leadership made the strategic decision to avoid doing so.Toyotas decision to forgo its cooperative competition philosophy is not, in its... ose aim was the weakening of the American economy and the strengthening of the Japanese one but, as a domestic manufacturer, an American automobile manufacturer whose origins happen to be foreign. Indeed, its decision to hire American managers in its U.S. plants and offices and to give itself a quintessentially American image facilitated public and political acceptance of it as a constructive addition to the American economy (Fujimoto, 1999). The implication here is that Americanization effectively annihilated the protective barrier which domestic consumers generally impose vis--vis foreign competitors whom they conceptualize function as a threat to the health of the domestic economy and, by extension, to the livelihood of the domestic labor force (Fujimoto, 1999). That Toyotas decision to reinvent itself as an American company, to abandon its cooperative competition doctrine, is that one change which stands out as central to its recent successes on the U.S. market, is an opinion echoed by several (Taylor and Kahn, 1997 Fujimoto, 1999 Schonberger, 2001). Taylor and Kahn (1997) parcel out that success on the American market was not simply an outcome of its adoption of an American image, but its highly successful embrace of the American management and competitive philosophy.

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - Essay ExampleLacks died of cancer but her cells bonk on.Henrietta Lackss story holds great importance because of the fact that there are several estimable subject areas that raises concern. The ethical issues raised in those times, exist even straightaway in some places however there are certain legal procedures and laws that lay down guideline for the ethics to be followed by researchers.The first ethical issue that comes to my mind is that of confidentiality. The ethical issue of confidentiality in research means that the identity, privacy and all information about the patient must be hardened as highly confidential in nature. The identity of people being used for a particular research or study should never be revealed. It is the researchers responsibility to protect the identity. However, in Lacks case, confidentiality was not maintained. The researchers did not reveal only her name but also revealed her hotfoot to the world. In those t imes, there were no binding laws that called for confidentiality on part of the researchers.Today, it is mandatory for researchers using human tissues to respect the privacy of the subjects and safeguard their identity. One of the most familiar to keep things confidential is the use of pseudonymisation or use a code in place of real identification of the human subjects (Kalra et al, 2006)The next ethical issue worth that I would like to discuss is that of informed consent. Human tissues and cells are of great importance to the research world however these tissues and cells need to be procured from people with appropriate consent. People have the right to know how their cells are being used for research. In Henriettas case, she was not informed about her compensates decision of tumorous cell extraction. She was not even asked for consent. In the 1950s, issues about informed consent was still in infancy stages, so Dr.Gey was not compelled in any way to ask Henrietta Lackss consent f or

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Business in Context LOLO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business in Context LOLO - Essay ExampleIn the future also, this media is expected to play a vital use of goods and services in its operation. The present business tactic adopted by them is the business to business model. E-business in Qatar Airways has improved gradually and has enhanced their marketing strategies, the marketing fuse and also the investment opportunities. The suppliers power can also be further improved using the E-business. Besides, it will also help them to evolve better strategies to antagonistic the threat from competitors as well as new entrants in the field. Oracle is the business suite adopted by Qatar Airways to improve its business.During the early years, business trading operations in Qatar Airways were done manually and there was no role for internet in its business. They have considered E-business as a very risky venture that was knotty and thus avoided its use in business. However, in the recent years they have changed their policy and adopted E-bu siness strategies. Oracle business suite is the platform Qatar Airways adopted as a part of its expansion programme.Supplier power Presently the supplier power is enhanced in Qatar Airways by the use of internet. In the future cyberspace will also make it possible for them to produces new and alternative suppliers using search locomotive engine technology. The internet is also producing new and alternative suppliers of search engine technology. (Doganis 2001, p.177).Threat of new entrants Using the internet applications in its business Qatar Airways can through the web itself understand the business of its competitors and analyze which of the market players are belike to pos a threat to their operations. They have been doing this research in detecting their competitors. This internet application is of high utility both in the present and the future age to Qatar Airways. New entrants can be identified through the advertising. Internet has enhanced the advertising capabilities of Qatar Airways and,

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Personal Narrative 2 Essay-My Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Personal Narrative 2 -My Story - Essay ExampleIn the deepest recesses of my plaza I believed that my infant was going to a good home. On the day of his birth, I summoned all the strength I could muster to resist the urge to champion my precious mess up boy and to meet the new parents. Beyond a shadow of a doubt it would have been too hard for me if there was whatever contact. For this reason, even though I so badly wanted to say, I love you and to kiss him goodbye I let him disappear from my life with wholly the barest glance. The trauma of the pregnancy and the rigor of the decision-making left me with several health issues as a result I was in the hospital for one week afterwards the delivery. On the seventh day a phone call came from the courthouse. In order to finalize the adoption my presence was needed. Perhaps this was the test of my mantle- the day was so hard and emotional for me and my mom, I distinctly remember my body shaking. The shaking was extremely uncontrollab le to the point that I could not even sign my relate to the papers. Nonetheless, the judge appeared to understand my plight. He advised me to take my time. Signing that piece of paper was worse than all the labor pain endured during birth. My mom and I walked come to the fore of the judges chamber I looked at her to see tears roll down her face. It broke my heart to see her cry. Year after course of instruction would pass by. Without fail, during the week of July 10th I would buzz off myself overwhelmed with depression. On that day I would look up in the sky and whimper, Happy birthday my baby boy. As I grew older I would wonder whether my offspring ever thought almost me, whether he would ever try to find and if he did find me would he forgive me. From time to time my family and friends would ask me if I would like to find him. My answer has always been a resounding, YES However, I would silently speculate about the potential nature of his attitude towards me - would he rejec t me or would he be thankful that he was never part of my life. My speculation always terminate in the same manner- let sleeping dogs lie it would be best that he try to find me when he is ready. In 1998 I gave birth to a beautiful girl, Alexandria Louise. She was the joy of my life. It was simply delightful to know that I could keep her forever. Nevertheless, there was still emptiness, a yearning in my heart for my baby boy that I had given up seventeen years earlier. I married Alexandrias father, Poncho Rugg, in 2008. The marriage marked another exciting milestone in my journey of life. My husband was thrilled but sad to hear the story about my son. Constantly, he would ask me if I was ready to start the search and consistently, my solvent would be no. I always believed that the time was not right and that one day he will look for me but only when the time was right. My personal information was everywhere in cyberspace. I believe that he had an abundance of opportunity to search for me if he was interested. I resigned myself to the hope of him searching for me and decision me one day. It was December 15, 2009. Every Tuesday night was pool night at Pacos. On this particular Tuesday, my husband decided to accompany me to watch and have a birthday drink with me given that the next day was my birthday. It was my turn to shoot. I was nervous because I was shooting against a top player on the other team. I would look at Poncho from time to time and smile. On one occasion, I turned to him but he was on his cell phone. Not

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Diversity Programs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Diversity Programs - Essay ExampleWilliam Sonnenschein also talks slightly this problem in his book, The Diversity Toolkit How You Can Build and Benefit from a Diverse Workforce. The demographics of the workplace are changing and pull up stakes continue change rapidly...Workforce diversity... presents mavin of the greatest challenges facing todays organization.As different humans could only create a different working culture, the success rate to form a single working culture will be minimal. But, if a common and winnable working culture is operationalised, through out the organization, the organization will be a success story. And, the script for this success story can only be scripted, by an effective leader or manager. So, if I return been a manager, I would impose my own assumptions as a form of single work culture and thereby will suppress the prevailing different cultures. One of the main(prenominal) first tasks of a leader in an organization is the creation of a common wor king culture. That is, the task of the leader is to create a working culture, found the working culture in the working group and environment, sustain it and also rectify it, when faults occur.As leaders are the man in lead, they usually have a major impact on how the group initially defines and sets into an organization. Typically, the leaders or managers will have strong assumptions about the nature of the world, the role that organizations bestow in that world, the characteristics that make up human nature and relationships, how truth is arrived at, and how to manage time and space. They will, therefore, be quite comfortable in imposing those views and personal cultures, on their partners and employees as the organization copes with challenges and targets. This imposition of founders assumptions, as a form of good culture is one of the good leadership traits. The workers mind will always be receptive to the leaders or managers views, orders, suggestions etc

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Renaissance Art Categories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Renaissance Art Categories - Essay ExampleCommonly known as early renaissance art, fifteenth-century Italian Art was known for its artistic absurd behavior in the republic of Florence between 1417 and 1494. The majority of the art developed during this conclusion originated from Florence due to several aspects that art from this period grasped. Italian art dominate this scene, with a variety of rivalries occurring amongst Christian leaders, regarding the arts to be depicted in religious architecture. According to Stokstad and Cothren, the rivalries amongst religious leaders over the arts also contributed o the definition of the art trends and pieces themselves. The rivalries that were experienced include contending popes, Florence and aggressive neighbors, humanitarians and devout religion followers and entertainers. 3. Sixteenth-century Italian ArtArt from Italy during the 1500s is further categorized into the in high spirits Renaissance and late Renaissance. High Renaissance wa s comparatively short and was dominated by artists such as Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael. Late Renaissance comprised of art composed from an estimated period of 1527 to 1600. Art made from this era has been highly referred to artists who used idiosyncrasy. Mannerism is the artistic technique employed and educated at an art academic facility called mannerism as well. High Renaissance was looked up as high because art from this era stood for culmination. Timid artistic journeying of Proto-renaissance blossomed in the course of Sixteenth-century Italian Art.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Service Profit Chain Valuation Argument about whether employee Essay

Service Profit Chain Valuation Argument about whether employee felicity can head to Customer satisfaction in hence leads to customer loyalty - Essay ExampleCustomer loyalty means that the resort will have reprise business from the same customers and, therefore, remain doing business (Kamakura et al. 2002, p.311). Furthermore, customer loyalty increases the repurchase levels which translate to profitability and a large consumer base. In the service industry, consumer satisfaction is the control force behind marketing thought and practice (Chakrapani 1998, p.47). In practice, consumer satisfaction is the consumers comparison between their purchase and use with the rewards and costs of the service.Other than consumer satisfaction, employee satisfaction is also another factor that determines the profitability of resorts and spas. The employees provide the various services to the customers. Their service delivery is what determines the customer satisfaction and loyalty in the long run . For this reason, employees ar the essential part in the service industry. Management in this industry has to manage employees in such a way that they are satisfied. This is the biggest challenge in the cordial reception industry as it determines the overall success of the resort or spa. In addition, employee satisfaction increases guest satisfaction and ultimately guest loyalty. This essay analyzes the dickens concepts, consumer satisfaction, and employee satisfaction, using the service profit chain theory to fully understand their significance to the service industry.Advertising and marketing in this industry relies heavily on consumer behavior it is the success scale of this industry. The challenge in this industry is trying to attract customers for longer visits and repeat business (Smith & Puczko 2009, p.13). In comparison to other hospitality segments, the resort and spa industry is the fastest growing segment in this industry. Their number has grown steadily over the last few years imputable to their unique and novel services they provide. Smith and Puczko (2009) attribute the growth of this industry to the recent global trend of alternative

Monday, June 10, 2019

Investment and Portfolios assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Investment and Portfolios assignment - Essay ExampleWhen a trader can foresee these changes, it provides a clear picture of the market trends. For these reasons, traders would be in a better position to make entry when the chances of making profits are high and make an exit when the trends are not favorable.According to Murphy, (1999), on that point are three concepts that describe technical analysis. These were described as market bodily function discounts everything, prices move in trends, and history repeats itself. Murphy (1999) defined market action discounts everything as source of information availed to traders. Such information may include volumes of data or prices of commodities. The concept assumes that the market action discounts everything, which illustrates that everything that is the likes ofly to influence the prices like psychology, politics, and other fundamentals were integrated and therefore reflected in the volumes of data or the prices. Therefore, the price pro vides a direct measure that could be used to study trends in demands and supply. Rises in the price would signify that the demands ought to exceed the supply while ensuring that the fundamentals are kept positive.Price trend denotes the directions taken by the stocks price over a given period. good analysis dwells on prevailing patterns of price data to signal reversal or continuation of the trend. It offers the opportunity to recognize continual situations that guide continual riding on the values to get optimal out of it. Although, most the basis of doing price move in trend is to recognize continual signals, it also offers the opportunity to identify any signals for reversal so that the owners can sell their stock before the trend goes bad.Technical analysis examines data on the stock prices to establish price patterns that could assist in the prediction of the next direction for future prices. If existing data on pricing shows that past projections were

Natural hazard in Japan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Natural hazard in lacquer - Term Paper ExampleNatural hazards or disasters that japan is frequently subjected to experience include volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, heavy torrential rains, typhoons, and heavy snow (Kingston, 2012 pg. 216).Every year in Japan, there are great loses of peoples lives and retention due to natural hazards. Until 1950s numerous large scale typhoons and earthquakes caused thousands of casualties and extensive slanders. However, though the causes of disaster are natural and cannot be within anyones control, the disasters damage pull in been shown to be on a tendency which is declining even if the natural disasters are still occurring.Japan and its economy have been through series of by nature hazardous occurrences. The Japan economy, according to the statistical economy figures released in 2011, shrank by 3.7% in the first period of 2011. Such an economic shrinking tipped the plain in to a recession. The economic crisis also disrupted the Japans polit ical life. This was illustrated by incidence of Mr. Kan starving being starved off through a vote of no confidence. The action gave a deep insight of division between the government of Mr. Kan and the alliance of bureaucrats that has dominated the public life of Japan for decade (Kingston, 2012 pg. 254).There are overwhelming human and economic losses due the natural hazard that are experienced by Japan. Japan was estimated to have lost 5% of stock in the capital as a result of disasters and hazards. After initially playing economic impact down as a result of the March 2011 earthquake, there was an announcement by the government that Japan had officially fallen into recession following the tsunami and the soon followed nuclear disaster. The gross domestic product of the country fell by 0.9% in the quarter of January to March and 3.7% annualized retreat. Insurance companies in the economy have been hit hard. This is because more than 400000 claims on damages of properties were make w hile many survivors say that they had no insurance

Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Abolition of Slave Trade Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Abolition of Slave Trade - Research Paper congresswomanThe slaves were taken to farms growing cotton, tobacco among others. The Slave wad was very prevalent, and many of the American people contributed to the slave trade especially the settlers.A Slave trade is an important part of the history of America since its impact has affected America greatly. The descendants of slaves are still in America and form part of the American populations. They are American citizens. America was the heart of the slave trade where the slaves were brought from all sides of the continents under the British protectorate. Various other nationalities form part of the American golf club like the Asians. Most of the people were sold to the slave traders or forceful taken by the slave traders. The slaves contributed greatly to the world war though not of their free will.The abolition of the slave trade was to reduce and remove completely the injustices meted on the Africans who were brought to the shore s of America through the Atlantic. They were not tempered humanely and therefore were treated as animals. If a slave misbehaved, he or she was beaten like an animal and denied food. The harsh treatment led to a split between the American colonies. They had different interests especially the north did not condone slave trade while the south condoned. Even the passing of the law to abolish slave has half-hearted participation by the South. Slaves who had families were sometimes separately from their spouses especially where they were sold to other owners. The separation of families led to many problems especially with the children who could not be raised by both of their parents. The children were sometimes sold and hence taken away from their families. The slaves had not right to their freedom but belonged to their masters almost forever. The heartless handling of the slaves and the cruelness meted upon them led to an outcry by some congressional representatives. The slaves had no voice and therefore kept silent under while

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Hazard of Coal and Coal Mining to Human Health Essay Example for Free

Hazard of char and balefulen digging to adult male wellness EssayCoal is a solid moreover brittle sedi mentary rock with a natural brown to black color and is made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and less(prenominal)er amounts o f sulphur and follow elements. Coal is classified into four types depgoaling on the carbo n, oxygen and hydrogen content on which the higher(prenominal) the carbon content, the more energy the scorch contains (Coal at a Glance, 2009). The amount of energy in blacken is define d by the heat value measured by British thermal units (Btu). One Btu is same to the amount of energy in a single match (RockTalk, 2005). The four types of ember allow in lignite, sub bituminous, bituminous, and anthracite. The lowest rank of the char i s lignite and has a heating value of 4,000 to 8,300 British thermal units (Btu) per pound.This type is the softest with high moisture content, least amount of carbon a nd is generally utilize to produce ele ctricity. The second least of the four types is sub-bituminous coal with a heating value of 8,300 to 13,000 Btu per pound and contains 35 to 45 percent carbon. After sum of more heat and pressure on lignite, bituminous coal is formed which is made of many tiny layers. It contains 11,000 to 15,500 Btu per pound heating value and is an important give the axe for the steel and iron in dotries. Of the commonly min up to(p) coals, anthracite is the hardest and has a heating value of 15,000 Btu per p ound containing 86 to 97 percent carbon (Coal at a Glance, 2009).Coal is a non-renewable source of energy be induct it takes million of social classs to form. It has become a powerhouse by the 1800s in America in which the people used coal to reach goods and to power steamships and railroad engines . It was noned that after the American Civil war, coal was used to make iron and steel and by the end of 1800s, people used coal to make electricity. In the 1900s, coal is the mainstay for the nations business and in ashesries. Coal stayed Americas number adept energy source until petroleum was used for petroleum products that became a demand. In 2009, 93.6 percent of all the coal in the United States was used for electricity production.Coal gene rank al virtually half of the electricity used in the U.S (Coal at a Glance, 2009). Based from Gree n World Investor (2011), coal has numerous uses primarily as a source of fuel and as a rich carbon source. It to a fault plays an important role in cement and steel industries and coal is the epicst source of electricity production. Coal is mainly used as fuel to generate electricity t hrough combustion. In steel production, coal unneurotic with iron, ar the two natural materials used to produce steel in which the former is used as a fuel to smelt the iron in furnace until the cast iron is gain ground refined. Similar with electricity and cement production, coal is likewise cosmos used as a fuel in cement industry. Furthe rmore, paper a nd aluminum industry also uses coal as a fuel since coal is cheap and very on tap(predicate) for these types of industries that ar huge consumers of energy fuel. harmonise to World Coal Association (2012), the biggest market for coal is Asia, which currently accounts for over 65% of global coal consumption although China is responsible for a world-shattering proportion of this. Many countries do not have n atural energy mental imagerys sufficient to cover their energy needs, and therefore need to import energy to second meet their requirements. Japan, Chinese Taipei and Korea, for example, import significant quantities of steam coal for electricity extension and co king coal for steel production. They also added that coal users further include alumina refineries and chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Chemical products can be produced from the by-products of coal. Refined coal tar is used in the manufacture of c hemicals, such as creosote oil, naphthalene, p henol, and benzene.Despite the myriad benefits coal has to offer, t here is always a disadvantage of using it. According to fossil Fuel Resources (2012), coal burning causes the emission of harmful abscond such as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphuric acids, arsenic and ash. Furthermore, coal emits twice as much carbon dioxide comp atomic number 18d to natural gas in producing the same level of heat which increases the level of emission of greenhouses ga ses into the spindleths atmosphere. As well as large factories and power industry that burn coal causes acid rain in few areas. Moreover, coal exploit damages t he landscape a nd the environment as a whole plus t he large and noisy equipment used for mine may a ffect local wildlife.Transportation of coal can also be a problem since it requires extensive transportation system and causes additional taint from vehicle emissions. Another huge disadvantage is that the coal is a non-renewable energy source a nd thi s millennium, coal can be depleted if burning of coal is continued in the future. Likewise, in coal minelaying industry, wellness difficulties of miners occur and fatalities due to dangerous nature of work increase. This paper would be tackling about the wellness Hazard that is imposed otherwise could be caused by coal and coal mi ning. However, it is important to understand the trespass of this activity to economy and environment, which could help in knowing the impact to health t hus socioeconomic and environmental make of coal mining are at the same time discussed.Developing co untries seek to exploit mineral resources to provide needed revenue thus, mineral wealth is a part of some nations natural seat of government (Davis and Tilton, 2003). However, Sideri and Johns (1990) stated that mineral development does not always boost a countrys economic growth and in some cases contribute to increase poverty. Some of the contributing factors for this misfortune were low level of employment, institutional corruption and mis guidance (Sideri and Johns, 1990). Coal industry development may result in field of pick up economic growth however, the benefits are not equally shared, causing local communities nearest to the mining site suffer the most. Miranda et. al (1998) added that mining as a general triggers negative impacts such as alcoholism, prostitution a nd sexually transmitted disease.According to Dr. Michael Hendryx (2009), Areas with especially heavy mining have the highest unemployment rates in the region contrary to the common perception that mining contributes to overall employment. S ynapse Energy Economics (2009) added, referring to Appalachia where mountaintop removal for coal mining is being done, History shows that the transition from deep to surface mining devastated the region economically, and that the prosperity of mining companies has not gone hand in hand with the economi c offbeat of coal mine workers. Appalachia has suffered f rom current and persistent economic di stress, and that this distress has been associated with employment in the mining industry, particularly coal mining. Mountaintop removal coal mining seclude the miner from the process, replacing manpower with machinery, and pooh-poohing the coal companies overhead cost (Appalachian Voices, 2012).From the article Mortality in Appalachian Coal Mining Regions The measure out of statistical Life Lost authored by Michael Hendryx and Melissa M. Ahern (2009), it was stated that the Appalachian region of the United States has long been associated with severe socioeconomic disadvantages. These results to a poor public health comprising elevated morbidity and mortality rates for a variety of serious, inveterate conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and some forms of cancer. Furthermore, recent studies have confirmed that health discrepancies exist in coal mining regions of Appalachia compared with other areas of the region or the nation . These discrepancies include elevated mortality rates for total causes, lung cancer, and some chronic illnesses.It was noted that t hese studies showed that mortality is related to higher poverty, lower educati on levels, and smoking behavior, and further s uggested that environmental defilement from the mining industry is a contributing factor. In the turn over of Paul Younger (2004) , Environmental impacts of coal mining and associated wastes a geochemical perspec tive, it was stated that in the early years of coal mining, impact on the environment adversely affect long -established agricultural interests. The negative impacts of coal mining came to be accepted as a by-product of the generation of coal-based wealth d uring the time when coal trade dominate regional economies in mining districts. These negative impacts became unacceptable when large-scale mining began and took place in major coal-mining economies. It was further stated in the study that t he environmental impacts of coa l mining are results of the exposure of reduced earth materials that involves coal and others, to the oxidizing power of the Earths atmosphere. The study recognize subcategories of impacts under five major headings consisting of air pollu tion, fire hazards, ground deformation, water pollution and water resource depletion.Production of large quantities of waste is one major environmental issue that can be caused by coal mining. The impacts are more widespread in open-casts compared to underground mining, which produces less waste. Severe impacts could cause degradation of aquatic and marine resources and causes water quality reduction. According to Johnson (1997), erosion after heavy rainfall pushes waste rock piles and runoffs to nearby waste bodies and sometimes, this lead to disruption, diversion, and changing of slope and bank stability of stream channel and t hese disturbances significantly reduces the water quality. Ripley (1996) added that higher sediment concentrations incre ase the t urbidity of natural waters which lowers the available light to aquatic plant for photosynthesis. Elimination of important food source and decreased available habitat for fish to migrate and spawn usually happens if there is increased sediment loads that s uffocate organisms in marine organisms (Johnson, 1997). Furthermore, higher sediments decrease the skill of water bodies which could contribute to flood (Mason, 1997).Deforestation is also a major indirect environmental impact of coal mining especially i n opencast or surface mining. Biodiversity is greatly affected , more importantly the removal of vegetation that alters the shelter and the availability of food for the wildlife. Coal mining also poses an environmental alarm in wetlands such as estuaries, mangroves and floodplains that actually served as natural filters of pollution as well as provide habitat for aquatic organisms. These areas are destroyed through direct habitat elimination or pollution from washable co als that were washed to produc e a clean pure coal (H.A. Mooney et al, 1995).Mining activities in general has many environmental impacts but at the same time, poses a significant assay to human health. The health cost of mining operations most of the time outweighs the advantages gaine d ( Yeboah, J.Y, 2008). Possible hazard including diseases or illnesses acquired from coal mining is discussed below as summary of various studies and articles about health risks caused by exposure to coal and coal mining.The tie beam of pneumoconiosi s and other respiratory health risks with exposure to respirable mixed dust was identified in the study of Love R.G, Miller B.G.,6 The Hazards of Coal and Coal Mining to Human health et. al. (1997), entitled Respiratory health effects of opencast coalmining a tail sectional study of current workers conducted in United Kingdom opencast coal mines. The study carried out 1,224 men and 25 women at nine large and medium sized opencast sites in England, S cotland and Wales. Full sized chest radiographs, respiratory symptoms, occupational history questionnaires, and simple spirometry were used in the study to modify the respiratory health of the workforce. In addition, logistic or multiple regression techniques were utilized to examine relations between indices of exposure and respiratory health.The study c oncluded that the frequency of (mostly mild) chest radiographic abnormalities is associated with working in the dustier, preproduction jobs in the coal mining industry. Although some of these mild abnormalities may be non -occupational (due to aging or smok ing), the association with exposure indicates a small risk of pneumoconiosis in these men, and the need to monitor and control exposures, particularly in the high-risk occupations. This study of respiratory health effects of opencast coal mining seems unalarming and maybe controlled since it was indicated that there is a small risk of pneumoconiosis among miners, however, coal mining effects to existence are not just limited to respiratory health. Furthermore, there are various studies that could prove that co al mining or coal combustion is a great contributing factor of respiratory illnesses most especially black lung disease.The negative impact of coal mining pollution to public health is analyzed in a study in westerly Virginia. Michael Hendryx and Melissa Ahern (2008) used the info from a 2001 research survey correlated with data from West Virginia Geological and economic survey showing volume of coal production from mining. Hendryx and Ahern study was Relations between Health Indicators and Residential Proximity to Coal Mining in West Virginia which have examined the coal mining in West Virginia if it is related to poorer health status and incidence of chronic illness. The study used data from a survey of 16, 493 West Virginians merged with county- level coal production and other covariates in investigating the relations between health indicators and reclinential propinquity to coal mining.The research sought to find whether the effects of coal mining may result only from socioeconomic factors such as inco me and education problems together with environmental exposure problems or it a lso a ffects the health aspect of the people. It was emphasized that quantitative research on health consequences of residential proximity to coal mining is limited to a few stud ies of respiratory illness, which was conducted in Great Britain. With t hese few studies, one showed no effect of coal mining but there are studies t hat found increased risks. These were the main reason why this study was conducted. The result of the study showed that As coal production increased, health status worsened, and rates of cardiopulmonary disease, lung disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and kidney disease increased. Within larger disease categories, specific types of disease associated with coal production include chronic obstructive pulmonary di sease (COPD), black lung disease, and hypertension.The research found t hat the result of black lung disease is higher in men compared to women since this condition affects miners which are men. The risks for coal -associated illnesses increase with exposure to coal by-products. Toxins and impurities in coal cause kidney disease, hypertension and other cardiovascular disease. The effects also resulted from the general inflammatory or systemic consequences of inhaled particles and these effects may be multi -factorial, a result of slurry holdings that leach toxins into drinking water and air pollution effects of coal mining and washing. This study served as a screening test to examine whether co al mining poses a health risk for adults living near the mining site. The researcher recommended that confirmatory tests should be undertaken to establish mechanism of accomplish, magnitude, and health consequences of an exposure effect.Another study of health hazard brought by coal mining i s The association between mountaintop mining and birth defects among live births in ce ntral Appalachia, 19962003, a research study authored by Melissa Ahern et. al.(2011). This study examined birth defects in mountaintop coal mining areas compared to other coal mining areas and in non-mining areas of central A ppalachia. The researchers aimed to know if higher birth-defect rates are grant in mountaintop mining areas . Moreover, this study analyzed 1996-2003 live births i n four Central Appalachian states using natality files from National Center for Health Statistics.It was stated from the study that The prevalence rate ratio (PRR) for any birth defect was significantly higher in mountaintop m ining areas compared to n on-mining areas, but was not higher in the non m ountaintop mining areas, after arrogant for covariates. Rates were significantly higher in m ountain top m ining areas for six of seventy types of defects circulatory/ respiratory, central nervous system, m usculoske letal, gastrointestinal, urogenital, and other. It was found out that mountaintop- mining effects became more pronounced in the latter years (20002003) versus in the first place years (19961999.). Furthermore, it was mentioned that the elevated birth defect rates are partly a function of socioeconomic disadvantage, but remain elevated after controlling for those risks. They also added that both socioeconomic and e nvironmenta l inf luences in mountaintop mining areas maybe contributing factors.In a researc h article authored by Hans L. Falk and William Jurgelski, Jr., Health Effects of Coal Mining and Combustion Carcinogens and Cofactors, carcinogens and cofactors that may be present in coal is being tackled. As an epidemiologic evidence of carcinogenic risks in coal mining and combustion, it was mentioned that several epidemiological studies imply that the incidence of gastric carcinoma in coal miners is elevated above that of comparable segments of the general population not enga ged in mining of coal.On t he other hand, the article noted that decease rate of coal miners from lung cancer is appreciably lower than the rate for non-miners of comparable age. It was explained that the data obtained from various studies about lower rate of lung cancer among coal miners strongly suggest that an unknown factor in all likelihood coal dust, exerts a protective effect from acquiring cancer. It was further noted that even though the coal dust is beneficial with regard to lung cancer, it is the causative factor of black lung disease. on that pointfore, while lung cancer rates might not increase as a result of an expansion of coal production, black lung and other respiratory diseases would probably become more prevalent.Health effect of exposure to respirable coal mine dust according to Center for disease and Control Prevention includes Black Lung Disease or Coal Workers Pneumocosis (CWP), silicosis, mixed -dust pneumoconiosis and degenerative Obstructive Pulmonary Di sease (COPD). CWP was defined as a chronic dust disease of the lung and its sequelae, including respiratory and pulmonary impairments, arising out of coal mine employment. It was moreover defined as parenchymal lung disease produced by deposits of coal dust in the lung and the rejoinder of the host to the retained dust. The primary lesion of CWP is like that of silicosis however, the amount and nature of dust and quantity and disposition of fibrous tissue and the presence of emphysema differs. Coal macules are rounded, irregular and ranges from 1 to 5 millimeters, lesions are distributed symmetrically found in both lungs with a greater concentration in the upper lobes (Attfield and Wagner, 1992).The proportion of dust, cellular material, or collagen varies depending on the rank of coal dust inhaled (Cotes and Steel, 1987). Silicosis develops when respirable silica inhaled is deposited in the lungs and varies from chronic, complicated, accelerated, or acute. Third is mixed -dust pne umoconiosis, which describes pulmonary lesions where crystalline silica is deposited combined with less fibrogenic dusts as iron oxides, kaolin, mica and coal (Silicosis and Silicate Disease Comittee, 1988). Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) refers to three disease processes which involve chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma which are all characterized by airway dysfunction (Barnhart, 1994). COPD is mainly caused by cigarette smoking nevertheless, it could also be caused by air pollution and exposure to dust. Chronic bronchitis is associated with airflow obstruction and abnormalities in gas exchange (Barnhart, 1994).Coal dust and its sequelae are not the only health hazards of coal mining. Common occupational hazards brought by mining are also applied in mining coal. According to Institute for Occupational and Safety victimization (2006), M ining poses tremendous risks to life and limb, not only to miners but to community as well .Hazardous mining operations caused both directly and indirectly countless accident. Hazards presented by mining to workers include intense exposure to heat, poor ventilation, fumes, repetitive stress injury, intense noise, manual handling of heavy machinery aside from biological and chemical hazard. taprs be given to have fluid and salt deficiency due to constant sweating since hydration is very limited combined with inte nse heat especially in underground mining sites. Furthermore, miners could have increased heart stress, heat stroke, and fertility reduction due to high temperature. Poor ventilation on the other hand, steals the oxygen from the body which results to head malfunction and this can lead to death. Vibration from handling or operating large machines could result to permanent bone damage and vibration syndrome or murdered finger syndrome that could proceed to hand and finger gangrene. The constant shaking could als o progressed to digestive problems because of constant moving of internal organs. Hearin g impairment or disruption of body functions such as blood circulation and hormone imbalance could be a result of noise and hazardous sound that comes from drilling, blasting among others. manual of arms lifting of materials can cause back troubles leading to acute pain.Based from the government statistics, a ccidents in the industry of mining was used to be 0.1% in the year 2000 of the total occupational accidents however in 2 002 it increased to 1.7% of the total accidents which is in fact only 0.3% of the total labor force was into mining and this poses a very dangerous trend for mining ( IODC, 2006). Hazards mentioned above are, of course, i nevitable due to the nature of the activity itself. Yet, there are still other ways for them, in a way, to play down the occurrence of these while working. In line with this is the importance of risk management.To be aware of the Risk Management is very important most espe cially when involving to activities that could pose risk not only to one s heal th but also to emotional, psychosocial, economical and e nvironmental aspect of an individual. Risk management is mainly the identification, assessment and prioritizations of threats brought about the actions going through or have gone through already. Through this method, t he pros and cons o f the action to be considered could be weighed. In t his discussion paper, certain risks that should have been given much attention b y the implementers of coal mining are tackled.From the hazards mentioned above, risk management that could minimize the impact includes the following assessment. There should have been even just an exhaust fan or some opening that some air could enter for them to be able to breathe as normally as possible. Also, to be able to minimize cases of deafness, miners are advised to wear ear plugs when heavy equipment is be i ng operated. Through this, noise could be minimized. It will also be advisable for the miners to have a sufficient leave of water wit h them as they progress with their work. Proper hydration is very much essential for them because there is poor ventilation inside the mine. The beverage they have with them should contain electrolytes for them to minimize incidence of fluid and salt deficiencies.An excerpt taken from t he article of Institute of Occupational Health and Safety phylogenesis s tates that, Mines exposes workers to distinct types of airborne particulates, making them vulnerable to systemic toxic effects due to the absorption of coal dus t. Coupled with poor ventilation, this can trigger accidents and cause death to workers. RSI being a soft -issue disorder is caused by overloading of particular muscle group from repetitive use or maintenance of constrained postures. Miners who suffer from RSI complain of weakness of the affected muscles, heaviness, pins and needles sensation and numbness.In this hazard, miners are expected to have protective masks that cou ld keep them from inhaling coal dust. Withou t the masks, this makes them very much vulnerable, primarily, to respiratory diseases and to other health -related illnesses. Presence of openings within the mines should also be considered for them to be able to breathe normally as possible.According to an article posted on, Coal dust settles like pollen over the surrounding areas. As what we ha ve discussed o n our Environmental Health class this s ummer, coal dust measures above atomic number 6m. Thus, it could only irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and throat but not going further . Yet, considering that there is an occurence of anthracosis, which is detect ed primarily in the lungs. There is a contradiction between this standard measurement and association and the chemical effect of the inhalation of coal dust.According to a study conducted by Sapko,M. J, et. al, section size can vary both within and between mines, since size is dependent on several factors such as mine type (i.e., longwall o r continuous miner, along with cutting speed and depth) and coal seam type. In addition to total incombustible content and methane concentration, the coal dust particle size should be considered as an essential part of the explosibility assessment strategy in underground coal mines.Coal mining creates several billion gallons of coal slurry, which contains passing high levels of mercury, cadmium, and nickel. Although lauded by mining companies that this is a safer, more efficient way to produce coal, this type of strip mining has evoked strong protests from environmentalists and people who reside near coal mining areas. Coal mining work can be extremely dangerous, a s the numerous occupational hazards can cause critical injuries or even death. Since coal is also a necessity in our day to day lives, there is no way to be able to totally terminate or stop the operations of coal mining. All we could do is to minimize the risks that could threaten us if we are to put up or be involved i n coal mining.ReferencesAhern M . e t. al. (2011) . The association between mountaintop mining and birth defects among live births in ce ntral Appalachia, 19962003. E nvironmental look for Volume 111, Issue 6, Pp 838846Attfield MD, Wagner GR 1992. A report on a workshop on the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health B ratifier certification program. J Occup Med 34875Colina N P (2006). 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