Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Abolition of Slave Trade Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Abolition of Slave Trade - Research Paper congresswomanThe slaves were taken to farms growing cotton, tobacco among others. The Slave wad was very prevalent, and many of the American people contributed to the slave trade especially the settlers.A Slave trade is an important part of the history of America since its impact has affected America greatly. The descendants of slaves are still in America and form part of the American populations. They are American citizens. America was the heart of the slave trade where the slaves were brought from all sides of the continents under the British protectorate. Various other nationalities form part of the American golf club like the Asians. Most of the people were sold to the slave traders or forceful taken by the slave traders. The slaves contributed greatly to the world war though not of their free will.The abolition of the slave trade was to reduce and remove completely the injustices meted on the Africans who were brought to the shore s of America through the Atlantic. They were not tempered humanely and therefore were treated as animals. If a slave misbehaved, he or she was beaten like an animal and denied food. The harsh treatment led to a split between the American colonies. They had different interests especially the north did not condone slave trade while the south condoned. Even the passing of the law to abolish slave has half-hearted participation by the South. Slaves who had families were sometimes separately from their spouses especially where they were sold to other owners. The separation of families led to many problems especially with the children who could not be raised by both of their parents. The children were sometimes sold and hence taken away from their families. The slaves had not right to their freedom but belonged to their masters almost forever. The heartless handling of the slaves and the cruelness meted upon them led to an outcry by some congressional representatives. The slaves had no voice and therefore kept silent under while

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